Thursday 3 January 2008

Part 4 - The Turning Point

Of all things, it was actually an article in a magazine that jolts her into action. All these things had been brewing in her mind, her genetic inheritance, her sister's asthma, her uncles heart attacks, her two children, but somehow she could not will herself to get up and go. Until an article in the O magazine caught her eye. It says something about how exercising for just 10 minutes a day, if done regurlarly still has health benefit and would make you healthier. That just got her thinking. 10 minutes a day is nothing. She'd gab on the phone with her mom and her sister for far longer. She could trade in one of those phone calls for a spot of exercise. She mulls this over until finally she just got up and go. Just like in the pictures in the magazine ;)

So one morning, after her children showered and breakfasted, she changed into sports gear. She had laid out the outfit the night before to strengten her resolve, so she put them one by one. The sports bra, the track pant, the long sleeve tshirt, her favourite red socks and put on her shoes. Then she find a small bag, stuff a small towel, an mp3 player and a water bottle in it then off she go!

She still remembers some of her personal training way back in Boston. So she started with a warm-up, 5 minutes on the treadmill, then she got off and do some streching; head, arms, legs, then got back on the treadmill for 10 minutes. After that, she did some crunches, then cooling down by streching and meditate for a bit. Then she sign off the gym attendance record and went back up to her apt.

As she waited for the elevator, she thought to herself, "Well, that wasn't so bad. It felt quite good actually!" So she did it again the next day, and the next and before she knew it she had worked out everyday for a whole week! Whoopee!! One week turned to two weeks, three weeks, then a whole months! She had gone from a lazy butt, to actually exercising regularly for 6 days a week and she felt much much better. She feels that she has more energy, lighter, healthier and all around better. She thought, "Wow, I was an idiot for waiting this long to feel better!"

She also progressed with her exercise routine. She added weight training, now able to lift up to 4kg for chest curl, and took aerobic classes the gym offered. She can last longer on the treadmill too! She finally able to go past the 15 minute barrier and is now aiming for 30. She hasn't reach it yet, only at about 20-25 mins but getting there. So now she does aerobic classes 3x a week, go on the treadmill 3x, plus weight and core. She is saving up for lessons with a trainer as she feels she could do with more but she doesn't want to increase without supervision.

Now that she got the exercise part covered, the next thing to do is to work on her eating habit. She still couldn't change it but it will. Just as she finally got around to exercising, the FSG is sure she can change to have a healthier diet ;)