Tuesday 6 November 2007

Part 3 - Reasons to Exercise

Yes, she knows, one is supposed to lead a healthy life, exercise and eat well and all that. But how come when it comes to actually doing it one is suddenly so damn unavailable? Hubby hints the other day that didn't she bought a sneaker the other day? Eer... yes... it is there on the credit card statement. So how come he never sees her wearing it? She could of course, provide an elaborate answer saying oh I exercise when you're at work etc etc etc... But the simple truth is, the shoes are still in the box.

Reasons why the shoes are still in the box:
1) She bought it just before Ramadhan. One could but does not desire to exercise during fasting. Prefer to sleep. Or read the Quran.
2) She's in the middle of redecorating her apt - read: re arranging her study, books, etc. Thus is 'exercising' around the house.
3) Lost some weight during Ramadhan. No need to exercise yet.

But you know, those lost kilos are quickly finding themselves. Worse, they bring their friends and their sisters along. Oy! The FSG really really must get off her butt and haul them downstairs to the gym. It's there, it's free - well they already paid for it with the monthly service charge. So what is this imaginary boulder that blocks her path from the gym? Especially when she actually needs it. Badly. Diabetic Dad, family history of heart disease and asthma, a husband, two kids. Does she needs a longer list?

She has the books, the props, some gear. She even promised herself a red iPod. Still, she procastinates. Even though she told her daughter don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today. Hypocrite much?

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