Friday 21 December 2007

Part 2 - How it Escalates

Part of the FSG's problem is her family. The more they goaded her about her weight, the more she refused to do anything about it. It's a vicious circle really as she just tuned out those who comments about it be it her mother, brother, various aunts and cousins, she just tuned out. She even get pissy with her mother at one time, questioning whether she really cares about her or just her appearance.

Though she may look like she doesn't care, she actually does. She loves magazines, all those glossies with fancy expensive clothes modelled by stick thin models and shot by world famous photogs. While she never really wanted to be in fashion magazine, she wanted to wear the clothes. She wanted to be able to go to the mall and try everything she likes. She wanted to believe that the only reason she's not wearing those clothes is because of the price, not size. Even back in LA she knew she had a problem. All the funky clothes she wants does not come in her size but she just zoomed into denial, buying leather shoes and bags instead.

One would think, being back home where the people are considerably smaller than in the States would change her mind, but no. She just stay in denial mode. Although she really has problem shopping for clothes, the wonderful thing about being home is that she can get them made to measure instead. So while she may not able to sashay into Metro and slide her card for that Biyan outfit, she can definitely spent happy time in Mayestik, sorting out fabrics and getting them made. Or, if she's in the mood for buying actual clothes, some of her sister's friend are in the business. So she just visit their house/atelier/boutique, see the collection and pick whatever she likes. Chance are even if there's none her size, they could make it just for her. What luck eh!

So, what does it take for her to get out of her denial? Not even her wedding could persuade her to lose her weight drastically. She did lose some kilos but not model size kilos. She's still a 'big' bride. She gained weight for the pregnancy so she hire a personal trainer to work out with her for 2 months. She lost some weight. But then, as the PT ended, so did her resolve. With no one paid to push her, she just let exercise slide and reverting back to old routine...

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