Friday, 23 May 2008

Emotional Eating

Either Tante Oprah or Om Bob Greene said that emotional eating is really the root of the problem. You think you like food but that's just a cover, masking a deeper emotional problem. It took me awhile but yeah, I am too an emotional eater. I eat when I'm bored, stressed, and upset. Though obviously you do need to eat, I now notice that when I'm eating to actually sustain living don't eat all that much. The extras must've come from all those unhappy moment.

I think I've done pretty good these days. Sometimes I do eat more, usually when I ate out with my family, or when there's just that little piece of chocolate cake left, but in general I try to watch what I eat.

However, there are times when I lapse into old habits. Yesterday was one of them. There was miscommunication whcih resulted into cancelled meetings etc so suffice to say I wasted the entire morning and was feeling really low. The first thing that came to mind was that I want to eat good food. So I cab it to my local mall, go to Sushi Tei and ate at the bar. Being upset made me bold so I ogled at the food on parade on the conveyor belt and pick plates I wouldn't normally. I was actually hungry too, so the first two plate really felt nourishing washed down with warm ocha. But the third plate onwards was just feeding the pain and disappoinment I felt yesterday. In the end I ate six little plate of sushi. I stopped just before I feel really really full. Still, I ate about 2 plates more than I should. I then savour my ocha and taking in the atmosphere. I felt much better.

I walk around the mall a bit then my mother came up and we window shop for a bit before sitting down for coffee. This definitely improve my mood. So much so that I can restrain myself against the cheesecake that my mom ordered and fight down the urge to finish off the slice :D

I suppose now the job is to train myself to not indulge my pain and overeat. One meal at a time.

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