Wednesday 28 January 2009

Oh my, what a load of fat you got!

Well, as part of the ongoing quest to lose thy flab, enticed by my friend's testimonial I went to a therapist in Bogor. He does a type of shiatsu massage and is able to help you lose weight. When I first told my hudband about this he just grunt non-commitally the way husbands does when their wives are jabbering away about this n that. However when I reported that my friend's husband lost 10 kg with the therapist his interest suddenly perked. "10 kilos. Really? Well, we have to try that!" Whoa... never thought he's that interested in losing weight since I don't think he has a problem with it.

So anyway, off we go for an appointment all the way in Bogor. I like that the first thing the guy asked is not, "So you wanna lose weight?" But he asked, "What seems to be the problem?" Off goes the list of complain ;). Then he explains that with the weight loss, basically he's trying to maximise our metabolism to make sure the excess fat doesn't stay as fat but coverted into energy, thus making sure the blood flows well, etc. I think it is similar to accupucture minus the needles. Accupuncture is basically re-routing blood flows and energy so it goes better and makes us healther.

My husband goes first. It's interesting, it's a bit like accupressure I think it that he just seems to put pressure on certain points in the body. With my husband he spend some time around the head since he often gets headache. With me he spends some time on the foot and leg because the heel of my foot often hurts. Then also head and tummy. Kinda hurts when he presses on the tummy. Afterwards, the diagnose kinda scares me... he said that I got layers of fat - no big surprise there since I do have a pouch. But he also said that it would lead to high cholesterol level and possibly towards the heart. EEK! That is so my mom's family. My mom has a history of high cholesterol and 3 of my uncles died either of heart attack or heart problems. So really, losing weight for me is not just aesthetic but for health too. Grief grief grief. I mean, did I not watch the episode on Oprah with dr. Oz? Did I not have a personal trainer back in Boston and LA who explained all this to me (yep, I have tried to lose weight since way back then)? But of course denial sets in. Hiding behind the fat because facing reality is just too scary. Good grief Charlie Brown.

Along with the massage, to jump start the fat conversion we have to do the Atkins diet too. Oh how I miss carb. You just don't feel as full just on protein. Tonight we're going for the second session. Hope all goes well and that I will be able to shed all those excess fat off my dear heart.

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