Tuesday 24 November 2009

Yikes! December is nearly here!

Oh my oh my... December is nearly here and I wrote jack shit this whole year! Aaargh!!!

I just watched Julie&Julia, the movie about a blogger who decided to spend a year cooking through Julia Child's cookbook. That kinda reminds me of all the blogs - well, just 2 really - that I have and that I rarely keep it up. Oy vey! If I did I may just well have a book and a movie deal by now ;)

So ok. I barely lost any weight. Just the odd kilos here and there. I think if I keep this more religiously I may be more inspired to lose the weight. Seems to work for some people. Maybe it'll work for me too.

Following the gospel of Nike, the sports shoes rather than the deity, Just Do It!

Updates, I did lost some fat from the accupressure thing. Then I went on holiday to KL and haven't been back since. I think I really should since I can feel my clothes are getting slightly fit again whereas it kinda loose before.

On the other hand, I also joined a gym, courtesy of my darling husband, since July and have been kinda religiously going there. I lost some weight, then it was Lebaran time and I sorta gain it all back (it's an eating holiday kinda like Thanksgiving). So now I have to work extra hard to lose it all again.

So yes, the Quest to Get Rid of Excess Fat is Back On Sister!!!

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