Monday 29 March 2010

The First 3 Months

No, I am not pregnant. I did not say trimester, I say 3 months.

So, i've been falling off the exercise/workout wagon so many times I've lost count. But, I finally realise that unless you really want it then it will not happen. You just have to want to make that change. So what if you fell? What's important is that you go back up and start again! We're not perfect, we're bound to have off days but as long as you don't let the off days linger and get right back then you should be just fine. I think it was reading Bob Greene's article that liberates me. Instead of berating myself, just think, ok maybe I miss/skip/didn't feel like going to the gym today but tomorrow I just have to clear an hour in my day to go there.

and that is exactly what I did.

I just keep coming back to the gym. Some days I forced myself to go. It paid off. Now my body ask for a workout if I've missed it. I can feel my body is aching to go back to get some cardio and a bit of weight thrown in. I can feel myself getting stronger and I like it. I've lost a bit of weight on the upper part of my body, I've actually gone down a size but alas the lower part is still refusing to budge. The lower part is in between sizes. the current one is getting loose but the one under is still a bit tight.

I need to work on my food now. I need to change my eating habit. It is still a bit bad. Need to reduce this and add more of that. Ok, so that's what's been happening. Let's see the progress I make from here on...

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