Thursday, 26 November 2009

Still Raining...

Oke, done with gym for the day. Feel much better. Emerging out into the rain. Yep, still raining.

Today I'm fasting so no hard cardio but still doing circuit with less weight and less repetition in some exercise, from 20 to 15 say. The bulk of it is still the same; steps, lunges, abs, arms, etc but speed walking replaced running and more abs instead of skipping.

It's actually not that bad exercising while fasting, since you don't sweat a lot when lifting weights. Sure I get thirsty but nothing more than usual. I mean, when you fast at some point you will get thirsty so no biggie.

Now, off to pick my kiddies from kindy!


Today's plan was to take the kids to school then hit the gym for a 9am exercise. Which is something I've done before. But, it's raining today! Traffic jam! Didn't get to the kids's school on time and it looks like I'm going to be late too.

Hopefully, it won't be that bad and I'll still able to have majority of gym time.

Cross fingers ;)

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Return to the Saddle

After more than a week off the gym due to my son's measles and finishing up project at work, I finally step my foot back at the gym. About time too!

I once read on O that it took certain amount of days to change a habit. Basically, if you stuck at it, keep making yourself go to the gym/ writing/ painting/ whatever, at some point your body stops rejecting and starts craving it. I never really put this theory into practice until now.

Probably bored by my whining, my husband sign us up at our local gym and book a set of session with a personal trainer. So, with the pt constantly texting, calling, cajoling me to the gym I started going 3-4 times a week. Plus there's the thought that we already fork over a sizeable sum to the gym so might as well use it. Thus the gym became our new 'church'.

I used to have to drag myself there until I finally see that well, it actually make a difference. Maybe not so much in looks since I haven't lost that much but I definitely feel much better. Like a cliche, I used to feel sluggish and after the gym I feel bright and energized. I may not be healthy but I feel healthier.

So, after about 3 months of this, when I had a week off I find that I'm craving for the gym. My body needs it.

Thus today I return to the saddle. Being somewhat a hectic day, I didn't get to do as much as I would like but its good. I did circuit training; steps, lunges, sit-up, leg-up, some abs and arm work, sprinting, repeat all that, except changet the run into more sit-ups and jump rope.

I'm whacked but happy :) here's to many more happy days at the gym!

Tuesday, 24 November 2009


I intend to do morning walk but I either don't wake up early enough or its raining cuz it's rainy season now.

Hmm... Must make better use of that gym. Rain or shine I can always do my exercise there. No excuses!

Yikes! December is nearly here!

Oh my oh my... December is nearly here and I wrote jack shit this whole year! Aaargh!!!

I just watched Julie&Julia, the movie about a blogger who decided to spend a year cooking through Julia Child's cookbook. That kinda reminds me of all the blogs - well, just 2 really - that I have and that I rarely keep it up. Oy vey! If I did I may just well have a book and a movie deal by now ;)

So ok. I barely lost any weight. Just the odd kilos here and there. I think if I keep this more religiously I may be more inspired to lose the weight. Seems to work for some people. Maybe it'll work for me too.

Following the gospel of Nike, the sports shoes rather than the deity, Just Do It!

Updates, I did lost some fat from the accupressure thing. Then I went on holiday to KL and haven't been back since. I think I really should since I can feel my clothes are getting slightly fit again whereas it kinda loose before.

On the other hand, I also joined a gym, courtesy of my darling husband, since July and have been kinda religiously going there. I lost some weight, then it was Lebaran time and I sorta gain it all back (it's an eating holiday kinda like Thanksgiving). So now I have to work extra hard to lose it all again.

So yes, the Quest to Get Rid of Excess Fat is Back On Sister!!!