Wednesday 12 January 2011

Bebel at the Vet

The last time Bebel went to the vet was during her pregnancy. I was in denial about something is cooking in her oven so I went just to make sure she's fine. Now, Bebel has been to the vet before and usually she's a trooper. She so calm that her vet, vet Nia, just adores her. However, this time vet Nia was taking care of some dogs so long story short Bebel was quite unhappy and she nearly bit vet Nia's hand!

But, that was then, and this is now, over 2 months has passed and naturally I was hoping Bebel would be ok in the vet this time. Boy was I wrong!!! Bebel was as stressed as ever! She didn't want to come out of her basket, her body stiffened, she growls and hiss whenever we tried to comfort her and at one point her hair actually stand on her back. Uh oh, not good. So not good sign.

Vet Nia finally gives up after several unsuccessful attempt to hold Bebel. We scheduled for a home visit instead. Vet Nia thinks Bebel would be calmer in her own home and less likely to be hostile. So we'll just have to wait for that. I hope this approach would work because Bebel really need to see the vet few more time in her lifetime. She needs to be sterilised and get vaccinated so she'll be a happy, healthy cat.

However, the visit to the Vet this afternoon wasn't a complete failure. The Little Lempers responded well to vet Nia and her assistant. They let them take their temperature and being checked. All the sexes are now confirmed, no need to change name anymore. Unless Kakak gets bored and decided another round of name change is needed.

I'm very proud of the Little Lempers. Bebel? well... it saddens me because I really like the vet. She's my cousin and she truly loves cat so I know she'll do what's best for the cats. Hopefully Bebel will come around and be calm to the vet like when she 's a kitten. In the mean time, I'm holding my breath until vet Nia comes. Please please let Bebel be just fat instead of cooking another batch in the oven.

PS: if you live around South Jakarta and is in need of a vet for your pet please check-out vet Nia. She's really cool and honest. I love her and not just because she's family but because she truly passionate about her job. Go, you'll love her I'm sure :)

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