Tuesday 11 January 2011

New Year New Direction ;)

At the risk of sounding like a gleek, I decided to switch the direction of this blog. Before I was focusing on weight loss but that soon get boring hence the very long blog archive list. So now, why not write about something that really interest me? Someone once said if you do something with love it won't feel like work. Thus, this will be about things I love and passionate about. I think the new title and blurb explains it all :)


Defi said...

excellent blog design, mbak... I like the paws...and welcome back to the blogger world, :) posting terakhir udah lama juga yaa, April 2010...hehe..beti2 laah kita...aku jg udah lama banget ga update blog ku...kalo sempet mampir ya mbak...mampir ajaa...hehehe...

akiawan said...

yes sir, yes maam..
i meean....

hi hi..blognya, english, gue banget, secara aki tiap hari menggunakan kunci inggris tea..

Sita said...

@mba Defi : makasih dah mampir mba, kirim foto kucingnya mba nanti aku display :)

@Aki : :p mana sini foto sapi2nya ntar aku pasang juga.